Training takes commitment to something greater than ourselves. This ultimately leads us to alignment beyond our human conditioning capabilities. To train is to further connect with our greatest potential. We are created to blossom into this infinite potential, far beyond what we can imagine.
Learn what it means to manifest, create, embody, and fulfill your true life’s purpose. Take your personal life journey to the next level and receive practices and methods to go beyond where you have been able to go individually. Receive one on one personalized guidance, direction, and tools to utilize for creating your highest and best in all areas of life.
Mentorship training programs are based on one month to three-month commitment. There is a foundation required of some basic fundamental practices established for those interested.
Connect with Aakara to see how this would support you to take your life to the next level.
FORGIVENESS TEACHINGS~Forgiveness brings inner joy and inner light. When our body is harboring negative emotions this resides within our heart center, which clouds our inner light and weakens our immune system. In order to free ourselves of the physical, emotional, or mental challenges we need to purify ourselves further by asking for Forgiveness and offering Forgiveness.
MENTORING CALLS~Having a clear direct light reflects back to you the highest and most aligned information about what your focus is on helps to immediately clear and remove the blockages which have been standing in the way of your success. Mentoring calls will take place daily for 15 minutes during the weekdays. You will have the opportunity to share any obstacles you are facing or ask for guidance about a subject matter.
HEALING SESSIONS~While going through a healing process, support in healing to remove the blockages is so deeply profound and important. You will receive twice a week healing sessions for clearing and removing the blockages that are creating difficulty in your life at this time. You will receive Divine Healing Hands Blessings which clears and removes the most aligned aspects for your advancement on your path. This will give you more energy, light, peace, and love.
SOUL READINGS~A soul reading is a deeply healing and nurturing experience. During this reading you will learn deeper understanding and meaning of what is occurring and why. You will receive insight, clarity, and direction of how to move forward and what changes are needed to successfully transform. Soul Readings take place weekly.
COACHING SESSIONS~Mentoring and Coaching Sessions will support you in putting into place new techniques that support your overall change in your life, from one of non-focus and non-direction to one of clear, aligned commitment. You will be taught ways to self-heal, self empower, self actualize, and improve all areas of your life through simple practices. These sessions will take place twice during the month.
CREATIVE MANIFESTING~ At the start of the training and the completion of the training, you will be guided to visualize, create and manifest that which you are now ready to breathe into form, from having cleared and removed so many of the challenges which had previously stood in the way of your full actualization. Be guided and lead into the powerful and transformative process to create the empowered life of your dreams.
- One Month Program $2000 ($3,500 Actual)
- Two Month Program $3500 ($7,000 Actual)
- Three Month Program $5000 ($10,500 Actual)