We were not told it would be easy. This new earth, we chose to create. We knew in our hearts when we arrived, we would face some painful experiences. Although, yes we’ve faced multiple lives with difficult things. This life would be different. It would be bright and dark simultaneously. It would mean tearing down boundaries and walls. It would mean stop fighting and waring, even with our loved ones. It would mean standing fearlessly in love when hate is projected at you.
You have everything within you to live A L I V E right now.
You have everything within you to C R E A T E magic right now.
You have everything within you to be B E A U T I F U L right now.
S H I N E and then add some to that. You are needed shining, empowered and having completed your karma’s.
Unplug from deception, misaligned truths, sorrows, or griefs. Take your power into your heart more.
You, I, All of Us…. Have come here now to make this new earth reality. It does, however, take your willingness to let go of that which is broken.
Identify what has completed it’s service to you. Then let it go, recycle it, sell it, and end your connection with it. Make room for what you actually, truly W A N T!
Then your P O W E R, P O T E N T I A L, and A B I L I T I E S will M U L T I P L E!
Aakara Grace