Here we are, in the midst of change, transformation, and ultimately awakening. Whether we had the desire to awaken to deeper insight, further truth, or a greater understanding of existence, we are all facing this opportunity. No one is being left behind with the global circumstances and each individual has before them, experiences they were not anticipating, nor entirely inviting.
Yet, there additionally exists grace among the shuffling of change, revelations of what is most vital, and experiences that have helped us all grow.
Growth can appear daunting or frightening but without it, our soul stays dormant and less fulfilled. Although we all have had to re-arrange, adjust and accommodate so many aspects of the current times, there remains the ultimate truth of what our actual values and absolute purpose of being alive at this time, is all about.
We may have forgotten slightly, that our life was meant to be bold, dynamic, and courage-filled. Which requires great opposition, facing adversity, and ultimately contrast. And thus, the great spirit of change came upon us all and created a not-so-subtle reminder, that we are meant to live awake, not asleep, not shy, quiet, or still in our consciousness.
We in fact are here, at this time on this earth, for exactly this great awaking that is occurring by the not so subtle reminders of discomfort, poking all of our soft spots, and teaching us what is truth and what is not. It’s shining light upon the interior of our soul which was dormant, waiting patiently for this precise time to jump up and down internally and say, wait, no this isn’t right, what is right is this…
You are born to live right now, from your heart, from your soul, and free the bondage which may have enveloped you all this time. And become the whole, complete self, full of creative and extraordinary aspects that are so divinely unique and special. Which is what our world has been waiting for all along. It’s by no mistake the great crumbling, but an infinite blessing of sparking enough pain so that the hidden joy in us all arises and surfaces collectively.
Such a special moment in history to create change, upon the change we were thrust. And so, let’s take hold of that change and let it serve us, not dismay us. Let’s be the rising sun and illuminating light for ourselves, each other, and our earth.
In Love and Aloha, Aakara Grace